If you’re wondering if you have 4B hair, how to take care of this beautiful and versatile hair type or wanting the best type 4B natural hair care and styling products…
You’re gonna get errrthang you need right here, my heavenly-melanated sista from anotha mista!
So let’s get into it.
First, let’s get the answer to a commonly asked question about this kinky-curly blessed-by-god, hair type. And that question is,,,
Many type 4 naturals are crown with multiple texture types on the very same beautiful head. It’s common to see 4B type hair along with some type 4C hair in areas as well. All type 4 hair is considered kinky on varying levels.
And while all type 4 coarse hair is considered “kinky” or, more appropriately, full of tight coils (tightly-curled hair).
As far as type 4B hair specifically, this luscious hair-type has a less defined pattern of curls than 4A hair and its texture looks more like a “Z” shape while the hair strands bend at sharper angles.
Depending on your hair porosity level, 4B hair has a propensity to drying out because afro-textured hair doesn’t get as oily as less kinky-curly hair types.
And as you may already know, the shrinkage is realer than “real deal Holyfield”, lol.
4B hair texture tends to show alot of shrinkage and can hide your length. Although, the shrinkage should be embraced because it gives you access to hairstyles that so many other women could only dream of.
Don’t wait for Kim Kardashian to figure out a way to appropriate shrinkage on her type 2 hair before you start embracing your blessing!
Taking good care of your 4B hair requires an effective TLC regimen to maintain its health, vitality and growth. So here’s what you need to do to take care of type 4B hair:
As you and I both know very well, 4B hair has a strong tendency to dry out quickly because of its tightly coiled texture.
With that being the case...
CONSISTENT hydration and moisturizing are key to 4B hair health, beauty, growth and length-retention . You might think moisture and hydration of 4B hair is the same thing, they are not the same.
Don’t worry, this is a VERY common misunderstanding in the natural hair community. Fortunately for you, you found NHP for a REAL hair education!
You see:
While these hydrating and moisturizing 4B hair are similar concepts, in reality, they are more interdependent (Meaning: you can't have one without the other) than interchangeable (Meaning: same concept, different name).
To understand how hydration and moisture for 4B hair work hand-in-hand, we need to look at the multiple layers that form to make your hair. Human hair consists of 3 separate layers:
So, I hope you understand this, when I talk your ear off about “hydration”, I’m telling you the needs of your hair’s internal layers...
...and when I preach from the NHP pulpit about “moisture”, I’m telling you what the outermost (outside) layer of your hair needs.
Aren’t you glad you found so much BOMB info here at NHP?!?!
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So, how do you actually get hydration into the inner layers of your 4B hair? You need to get water molecules directly into your strand cuticles. Your hair needs to be infused with water to truly be hydrated.
This can be done by spritzing your hair, using a hair steamer for an H2O infusion and there are even some products that help hydrate deeply into your strands.
Check out this video for more hydration vs moisture info...
Condition your hair every time you wash it and go for a deep conditioner at least twice a month to add and retain moisture in your hair.
Products aren’t the end-all-be-all way for truly hydrating 4B hair though.
Think of this concept the same way you think of nourishing your physical body internally...what you put into your body plays the biggest role in achieving and maintaining optimal health. Likewise, another important factor in having well-hydrated hair, is maintaining a healthy diet and ample water intake.
So, while the primary focus of your hair care routine needs to be hydration, you also need to focus on restoring and retaining moisture in your 4B hair. (Also applies to 4c to 3C hair types as well)
NHP Pro Tip: REMEMBER, Hydration comes 1st, maintaining moisture comes 2nd.
Now, washing your hair with a premium-grade moisturizing shampoo will help greatly in add moisture to your 4B locks. Along with the proper hydration, this will help protect your hair and prevent damage and breakage.
Here are some of the best products for Afro-textured type 4B natural hair, you can click on any of the links below to see reviews and prices. (I don’t post prices because they tend to change frequently.)
What products are good for 4B hair? Here your answer...
And these are only a few of the best 4B hair products, check out our other product descriptions and reviews all throughout the NHP natural hair blog.
So let's answer some questions about 4B hair that people frequently ask about, I hope this helps...
Answer: The difference between 4B and 4C hair is that 4C hair has the tightest curl pattern of all kinky-curly hair types. 4C hair tends to clump more at the ends and is even more prone to shrinkage than 4B hair, 4C hair strands are formed in tight, springy, ringlets and can shrink up to 75% of its true length! 4B hair texture pattern is sharply angled and loosely defined kinky hair. Unlike 4C hair, type 4B hair follows a Z-shaped pattern.
Answer: Type 4B hair texture has a less defined pattern of curls and looks more like a “Z” as the hair bends with very sharp angles.It can range from fine/thin to coarse/wiry with bunches of hair strands densely packed together. Depending on how it’s maintained and styled, type 4B hair can have a cotton-like feel.
Answer: Type 4 hair is coiled/kinky due to the very tight curl pattern. It helps to see videos of other naturals with 4B type hair to know if you have the same hair type. 4B Afro-textured hair ranges from fine to coarse, and it may be soft or wiry. Curls are very small, defined by a coily S-shape or Z-shaped zigzag pattern. Because of its tightness, the 4B hair type is extremely prone to dryness and requires lots of hydration and moisture.
Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.