Black Hair Growth Secrets w/ Regally Insane Products

Black Hair Growth Secrets

Are you looking for Black hair growth secrets? Well, good…

Because I’m going to show you answers and products for your hair growth issues that are proven to work. Not a bunch of fluff like you’ll usually find around the internet. Girrrl….

The last time I searched "secrets for Black hair growth" online, I found an article that started out talking about “African-American female” hair, and yet, had images of caucasion women with “black” (the actual color black) hair.

It was a pure fluff piece with no real secrets. I mean really, its so-called...

...“7 Black hair growth secrets” were generic throw-away answers such as… 

  1. Treat Your Hair Gently.  
  2. Consume a Collagen-Rich Diet. 
  3. Moisturize Your Hair Well in Winter. 
  4. Embrace Your Hair's Natural Shape. 
  5. Strengthen Your Hair With a Daily Vitamin. 
  6. Use the Right Tools.  
  7. Emphasize Your Natural Shine.

Besides the hair-boosting tip about eating a diet that has more collagen in it, most of those hair growth “secrets” left me feeling underwhelmed.

I don’t want you to feel that way, so I’ve decided to bring you information and products (like hair growth vitamin gummies and hair oils) from a brilliant Black business that truly cares for your Black hair care needs!

Black Hair Growth Secrets From A Black-Owned Business

black hair growth secrets - length retention

When it comes to Black hair growth secrets and advice…

Who better to learn from and buy from than those who truly understand US? That’s why I want you to know Nailah, the Black woman owner of Really Insane hair, beauty and health products.

Nailah has made it a mission to help Black women like herself because she too had suffered from hair loss and lack of proper natural hair products. She felt that blow to the confidence that happens when our hair and edges are falling and causing insecurities.

So this sister formulated her own Black hair growth secrets from her own dining room table in 2020. Nailah was experiencing hair loss from the stresses of and started researching natural hair growth remedies with oils. 

Her intense research and due diligence dug up so much untapped information that she decided to create her own blend of 11 hair growth oils, bottled it and started to use it. You know what....It worked!! 

black hair growth secrets botanical blend

After showcasing my hair growth oil secrets and the obvious beauty benefits, Nailah had folks coming from every direction wanting to get these wanting to buy these little bottles of hair growth goodness off of her. Instead of selling them though, she began gifting several bottles of her hand-crafted hair growth concoctions. 

And when folks kept loving up on her growth oils, Nailah decided that it was time for her Black hair growth secrets to shine.

So she began large-scale production to serve the masses with her botanical hair growth oil mixes as well as her other health supplements that are geared towards overall body health. It was then that Regally Insane Health and Beauty line was born. 

When it comes to natural body health, beauty and hair growth, Regally Insane has what you need. 

Let me show you some of the nice little Black hair growth secrets and body health products that Nailah’s Black-owned business has in store for you to help you look and feel your best...

Black hair growth secrets for African American women and men.Black hair growth secrets from Regally Insane...

Black Hair Growth Products & More From Regally Insane!

You can call these unique blends hair growth secrets because you’ll have a hard time finding these mixture matrixes anywhere else!

They have 7 different “Grow Like Crazy” hair growth oils blends! Best part is, ALL of their hair oil blend contains 9 Nutrient-Rich Oils that are known to help reduce hair loss, strengthen thinning hair edges, help to stimulate new hair growth on the scalp and benefit overall hair health. 

All of these hair growth and length-retention mixtures are suitable for men and women.

  1. Oatmeal & Honey - "Grow Like Crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  2. Peach Grapefruit - "Grow Like Crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  3. Eucalyptus Mint - "Grow Like Crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  4. Botanical Blend -"Grow Like Crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  5. Coconut- "Grow Like Crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  6. Bergamot Vanilla - "Grow like crazy" Hair Growth Oil
  7. "Grow like crazy" Hair Growth Oil Unscented 

And besides these these unique hair growth serum blends, Regally Insane has a whole suite of products that help you get your hair and body to a beautiful place so that your self-confidence is through the roof.

That’s what looking and feeling like a million bucks does for a person! Check out some of the products that their customers snatch up the quickest!

Best Seller Products From Regally Insane:

Black hair growth secrets and health products...Black hair growth secrets and health products from Regally Insane - Black-Owned, Woman-Owned...

Black Hair Growth Secrets: How To Grow Black Hair In 3 Months w/ Nutrition

Regally Insane’s increased focus on bodily health is sooooo very important because often our hair growth is directly related to our skin and internal health.

So let’s talk about some of the Black hair growth secrets that are actually disguised as healthy living tips. Because I'll tell you what….

Working to vastly improve your health over the next 3 months is also the answer for how to grow Black hair faster in 3 months and retain more length.

It all works hand-in-hand.

Do that and use your hair growth oils and you have a combination of Black hair growth secrets that will have folks asking you for beauty advice!

Join NHP-HIVE and get sent our info-packed, down-to-earth & sometimes funny NHP hair tutorials by email. SIGN UP HERE...

Black Hair Growth Nutrition Secrets:

Wanna know how to grow Black hair in 3 months?

Answer is: For hair growth success you need to build up an excess of the right hair growth nutrients in your body, eliminate internal pollutants that stunt Black hair growth and keep your body moving with exercise. These 3 keys are the nutritional answer to increased hair growth.

Because, look...

Black Hair Growth secret keys

This often-ignored Black hair growth secret is often overlooked:

To optimize healthy hair growth you need to optimize nutrition and health. 

When your body is starved of nutrients (when you eat crappy, low nutrition foods) your hair and nails are the first area that your body starts stealing nutrition from.

Because your body can live without pretty nails and long hair, but it can't live without your brain, your muscles, or your heart, etc. 

Simply speaking:

If you're low on nutrition your hair and nails don't eat… And this means that if you're not feeding your body with the right nutrients, that includes premium health supplements when needed, your body won't have enough excess nutrients to feed and protect your hair.

Which means it won't grow faster and longer and is quicker to break...

Remember this: "Hair is a luxury. And to enjoy luxuries you need to have excess."

So, in order to make sure you have the right nutrients for healthy hair growth in excess try these simple ideas.

Ensure that at least 70% of your diet is vitamin dense food.

Foods like:

  • Legumes, like beans and lentils.
  • Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, kale and cauliflower.
  • Leafy greens, including spinach and chard.
  • Healthy fats, from avocado and nuts (unsalted).
  • Health supplements like apple cider vinegar gummies, cacao powder, maca, super greens powder & B-12 drops.
  • Make sure your food is fresh and mixed (consumed as a meal).

Why mixed? Because...

Certain nutrients are absorbed easier when they're mixed with certain other vitamins, and nutrient absorption boosts hair growth.

Also, make sure to reduce your intake of processed foods, toxins and meats. And look, this is not a discussion about vegetarian vs other diets.

I'm just telling you what's scientifically proven to help you get thicker hair.

Processed foods, like pasta, bread, snacks, salami, bacon, sausage, cereals, sugar, and pastries are more difficult for the body to digest and contain very little nutrients compared to the volume of calories.

So you'll feel full, and you might even pack on fat. But you'll be nutritionally starving.

And so will your hair. These foods, including meat, are also rich in toxins.

And, as we've already discussed, toxins kill your hair growth gains by putting stress on your body.

Make sure you get some exercise, because regular exercise is one of the main ways that our bodies are able to detoxify.

This is one of the main reasons why people who exercise look so dang beautiful.

Their skin comes alive, and their hair becomes more healthy and longer if uncut.

Exercise is also one of the few Black hair growth secrets that can easily improve your overall quality of life, it also helps you relax.

[RELATED ARTICLE: Biotin Hair Growth Vitamins vs Prenatal Pills for Hair Growth]

The Wrap Up: Black Hair Growth Secrets

Black hair growth secrets, tips and advice. Hair growth gummies.

When you apply these amazing hair growth products from Regally Insane and take care of your internal nutrition you are unlocking Black hair growth secrets that come from truly valuing yourself and giving your hair and body the attention they deserve.

It only makes sense that the best Black hair growth secrets come from Black people, so keep coming back to NHP for your best hair growth tips and advice, and support Black-owned businesses like Regally Insane today.

See what they have in stock for your hair and body, right here.

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Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.