How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Hair Growth [& Scalp Health]

Let discuss how to use Jamaican Black castor oil for hair growth & health, shall we?

Many naturals have heard of extra dark Jamaican Black castor oil already, but today you will be learning about how to properly use this hair growth oil. Jamaican Black castor oil is quite versatile in its usage and can give boasting benefits to your skin, hair, and overall well-being, and it is a kind of fat that you don't wanna ignore.

So today, this article is all that you need to know about cast0r oil. We will learn about using this oil, the benefits of using it, and other aspects of how to get the most hair growth from it.

Castor oil is the oil created by extracting oil from the seed of the castor oil plant.

Castor oil is used for a variety of applications. It is used by doctors for medication and used to make different products like soaps, perfumes, and much more.

Similarly, Jamaican Black castor oil is obtained from seeds of plants but with an entirely different method.

how to use jamaican black castor oilHow to use Jamaican Black Castor Oil...

Firstly the seeds are roasted and then crushed in a mortar. To the mashed beans, water is added, which is slowly boiled over the fire. The oil prepared from this is the Jamaican Black Castor oil.

This oil is used for a wide variety of natural remedies for general health and well-being. It contains lots of vitamins and nutrients which can be used in different healing, hair growth, and skincare.

Jamaican Black castor oil provides a great aid in healthy, shining, silky long hair. It doesn't matter if you have rough, damaged hair.

This hair growth oil provides all the nourishment and nutrients you need for your hair. It helps moisturize dry hair due to rich omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids and vitamin E. In this castor oil, your hair gets a more decadent, softer texture.

This oil nourishes the scalp and nourishes the hair root; it also improves the blood flow circulation to the scalp, which encourages new hair growth and thinning hair. It heals the split ends of hair and also prevents hair breakage.

How Long Does It Take For Castor Oil To Grow Hair

You can usually start seeing noticeable hair growth within 3 months.

There is no standard as far as how often you should use Jamaican Black Castor Oil, but I'd recommend one to two times a week for at least three months, because that's typically how long before you'll see new hair growth coming in.

Details On How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Hair Growth...

how to use jamaican black castor oil for hair growthHow to use Jamaican Black castor oil for hair growth...

Consistent use of Jamaican castor oil and growth of hair goes hand in hand. Using this naturally extracted oil to your hair, you can quickly get rid of yourself from the problem of short hair and grow longer, thicker, and faster than before to get shiny, silky, and strong hair. In fact, JBCO is often used when starting locs with thin edges and growing longer dreadlock styles.

In case you don't know how to use this oil, follow these steps for how to use Jamaican Black castor oil for hair growth, longer and stronger hair.

  • Take one teaspoon Jamaican Black castor oil and one tablespoon coconut oil.
  • Add them to a bowl and mix them thoroughly.
  • After mixing the Jamaican castor oil and Coconut oil, add in it five drops of essential oil (it can be any oil you prefer, but we will suggest peppermint oil)
  • Mix it well and then keep it in the jar for further use.
  • Now, to use this mixture on your hair for its growth, take a small amount of oil with your fingers and work it on your scalp in a circular motion until it reaches every portion of your head.
  • Use your fingers for deeper massage so that the hair absorbs the oil required, increasing blood flow in the scalp. 
  • Remember, you can always ask your friend for help if you cannot do the massage correctly.
  • Do the process mentioned above five times a week, and you can see significant growth in your hair.

So if you were wondering how to use Jamaican Black castor oil for hair growth...

These are all the steps that you should follow while using Jamaican Castor oil to get longer, silky, shinier, and stronger hair on your head.

Can You Put Castor Oil In Your Hair Everyday?

Answer: Although, yes, you can put Jamaican Black castor oil in your hair everyday, you probably shouldn't. And I'll tell you why...

Castor oil has a very thick consistency and using it every day will likely make the greasiness unmanageable, so I don't recommend using JBCO daily on your hair and here are a few more reasons:

  1. Because JBCO is thick in consistency and daily use will make hair greasy, that can lead to several hair-related issues.
  2. You will have to wash your hair every time you plan to go out(If you don't wanna step out with greasy hair). Over-shampooing is a healthy hair practice.
  3. If you are okay with greasy hair, the smell of JBCO may be another problem with daily use.

I would suggest using castor oil twice or three times per week. It will be easier to massage castor oil on scalp and hair if it is mixed with some other oil. (You can use olive, coconut or any other oil of your choice).

Also, be sure to change your bed sheets and pillow covers regularly when you apply oil on your hair as oil and dirt can be transferred to the face through these and can cause acne breakouts.

Clinical studies also show that castor oil has also been the culprit in causing cases of acute hair felting, so be cautious.

How to use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Skin

As we talked about above, Jamaican Black castor oil has different uses in different fields, so it's not all about how to use Jamaican Black castor oil for hair growth, because...

...our hair is not the only body part that gets benefits from castor oil.

This oil is also valuable for nourishing our skin and giving it a good glow. JBCO oil is proven helpful in clearing up acne, and healing scars, which are just some of the benefits.

The following points are mentioned for those who struggle to get glowing skin. Try these natural remedies and see the difference.

Jamaican Black castor oil is widely known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, which slowdowns the spread of bacteria or fungi and sometimes even stop it. It is safe to apply this oil.

Thanks to its natural properties, it has no side effects on the skin. Using this oil directly on the skin helps increase circulation and blood flow, which is excellent for the skin. If there is a particular affected area or a mole, try using Jamaican Black castor oil with baking soda, rub it at the infected part, and see the difference.

This oil is pretty effective in healing scars on the body. This oil prevents the growth of new scar tissue. Hence oil can penetrate deeper and aid in the removal of the older fault.

First, clean the scar with soap and water to remove dirt and natural oil from the skin. Then gently massage the oil onto your wound, avoiding any injury if present, as it can burn. Once completed, clean the excess fat through a cotton ball. Apply this method twice a day, and in a few weeks, you will start noticing the changes.

It has a tremendous remedial property for chapped lips. It can be used primarily by those who suffer from chapped, dry lips no matter what the weather is.

Mix three tablespoons of Jamaican Black castor oil, one tablespoon butter, and one tablespoon of beeswax melt them together in a bain-marie. Once mixed, add 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil(prefer peppermint) and thoroughly mix them. After this, pour the mixture into a lip balm container, and you can use it as lip balm and notice the changes.

Jamaican Black castor oil helps slow the aging process on your body. With castor oil, you can restore a natural youthful glow to your skin.

First, clean your face with a gentle cleanser and pat it with a dry towel, after which apply the oil on your face, focusing primarily on the area where there are aging lines. Repeat this process twice a day, and you can feel the difference in a few weeks. 

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How to Use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for Eyelashes Hair Growth?

Answer:  To grow eyelashes faster with Jamaican Black castor oil just dip a cotton swab into a small amount of castor oil and dab it on top of eyelashes, all the while making sure that none drips into the eyes.

Apply the JBCO before bed and wash off it in the morning using warm water and a clean towel. Follow this eyelash hair growth routine for atleast 90 days consecutively. You can grab some Extra Dark JBCO at Amazon.

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Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.