Is Olaplex Good for Thin Fine Hair? [BREAKING TRUTH]

Is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? Many are wondering about this because of some bad reports going around. There’s a whole “Olaplex breaking hair off” drama, OMG…

Are you considering using Olaplex products on your fine hair? For many, finding the best treatment for fine hair can be like trying to find a four-leaf clover in a field of clovers.

Fine hair can be a struggle bus experience. This hair has small strands in diameter and often is challenging to style due to its lack of volume.

Fine and thin strands are lightweight, and their gentle texture usually leaves them susceptible to making their appearance in public as limp and prone to greasiness.

Olaplex is touted as a product that helps repair and moisturize chemically-treated hair, including relaxers and hair coloring. Also, there are testimonials that this product reduces frizz and promotes curl definition in natural hair.

Additionally, many people who have thin hair are turning to this product for results. However, there are multiple reports of damage or hair loss associated with the use of Olaplex on thin hair.

These hair loss episodes are leading many consumers to raise the following question,

Is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? So, let’s talk about it…

Is Olaplex Good For Thin Fine Hair?

Is Olaplex Good For Thin Fine Hair?Is Olaplex Good For Thin Fine Hair?

For many, the answer is yes, Olaplex good for the thin fine hair of some product reviewers because the product worked to repair their hair’s broken structural bonds, bringing hair restoration and growth in the process. In turn, their fine hair got stronger and healthier as a result.

On the flip side, I couldn’t say that Olaplex was good for thin fine hair in EVERY situation.

I wrote about some special circumstances in which Olaplex may not be a good choice for you.

So keep scrolling down and see how I broke down the details of what Olaplex really is, what it really does and who it may not work for.

What is Olaplex? What Hair Is It Good for?

is Olaplex good for thin fine hairis Olaplex good for thin fine hair nhp

Olaplex, founded by Dean Christal, is a system that promises to repair all types of hair, including virgin hair and hair that has texture (i.e., 4C kinks, coils, and curls).

Hair damage can result from various factors, including heat, styling practices, chemical hair product choices, and environmental elements such as ultraviolet rays and extreme climate conditions.

Fine hair is fragile and vulnerable to breakage under the daily manipulations associated with hair care or just trying to get a good night’s rest in some instances.

It is understandable that many people look for products that might offer volume, protects fragile hair from heat, and products that decrease the risk for product buildup or a greasy appearance.

That’s the main reason why folks ask, “Is Olaplex good for thin fine hair or not?”....

Well… How Does Olaplex Work to Help Thin Fine Hair?

Olaplex uses a patented active chemistry formulation that engages molecularly, promising to improve hair elasticity.

Hair elasticity is a must-have asset for you if your goal is to improve hair strength or minimize breakage.

So, in a nutshell, Olaplex uses an active ingredient known as Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate to fix broken keratin hair bonds that may result from thermal, chemical, or mechanical damage.

This capability is a game-changer in the world of hair care because, if true, it provides a pathway to rebuilding hair structure and integrity in ways that other products may not be able to do.

The Olaplex process includes nine steps. Experts and the product line alike suggest that the first two steps should occur within the safety of a salon.

This requirement is essential for those who have color-treated hair. The remaining steps may be completed in the comfort of your home.

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Are The Nine Steps of Olaplex Too Much?

Some of the folks asking us, “is Olaplex good for thin fine hair?”, don’t realize that there is a 9-step process to follow. Following the process may determine if Olaplex gives good results to your fine and thin hair.

Below are the nine steps (products) of the Olaplex system to keep hair from breaking off.

  1. Olaplex No. 1 Bond Multiplier. This solution is comprised of 100% bisaminopropyl diglycol dimaleate and is applied to the hair during the coloring process. It is mixed with your color or bleach solution.
  2. Olaplex No. 2 Bond Perfector. This solution functions similar to a mask and is applied once the hair coloring solution has been rinsed out. It sits on the hair for approximately 20 minutes to allow the bond repair process to take shape.
  3. Olaplex No. 0 Intensive Bond Building Hair Treatment. This solution functions as a preparatory prequel to the at-home treatment process that helps to continue the bond repair sequence. It is a vital step in the process that should not be skipped.
  4. Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector. The expectation is that this blend of ingredients is used once a week before moving into the shampoo and conditioner phase of your hair care regimen at home. Think of it as a pre-poo solution that should sit on your hair for ten minutes before washing and conditioning those precious strands.
  5. Olaplex No. 4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo. This product replaces your regular shampoo. Its role is to provide moisture and repair to your hair. Its coconut content serves as a protective agent that prevents the breakdown of your hair’s structure.
  6. Olaplex No. 5 Bond Maintenance Conditioner. In as few as three minutes, the Olaplex Bond Maintenance Conditioner conditions your hair with the primary goal of strengthening your hair strands.
  7. Olaplex No. 6 Bond Smoother. The Olaplex Bond Smoother is the leave-in conditioning cream that minimizes frizz by infusing moisture.
  8. Olaplex No. 7 Bonding Oil. The Bonding oil is a lightweight oil that further supports the minimization of frizz while boosting shine.
  9. Olaplex No. 8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask. The Bond Intense Moisture Mask is a weekly treatment with a primary function for infusing moisture to help strengthen hair and reduce the risk for hair loss.

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Olaplex “Breaking Hair Off” Controversy

Despite the reports of positive results of using this product on various hair types, several conversations are circulating online that multiple steps in the Olaplex regimen are causing hair loss breakage in people with fine hair.

So hearing folks ask NHP... “is Olaplex good for thin fine hair?” shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Some consumers are pointing to Olaplex 0 and Olaplex 3 as the main culprit of problems for users with thin fine hair.

They report perceived changes in their scalp, such as itchiness and sensitivity.

Also, some with thin fine hair state that changes are happening with their hair chemistry, disruptions to the hair growth cycle, and they are combating significant hair loss.

Yet, how do we know that this hair product is the root cause of hair fall in its users?

Truth is:

The average person can anticipate losing approximately 100 strands of hair each day, but when we notice that our hair loss seems to exceed these numbers, it's only natural to do a bit of investigation to figure out what is causing it.

Medical conditions, wearing styles that create tension on our scalp and hairline, genetics, stress, and diet can all play a role in the rate at which we lose hair.

However, when incorporating the use of a new product such as Olaplex into our hair care routine for the first time, it is only natural to question if Olaplex is causing hair loss for those with thin fine hair.

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Breaking Theory: Improper Use of Olaplex Can Give You Bad Results

Is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? Well… Are you using it as directed? One school of thought is that if you experience hair loss following the use of Olaplex, you did not follow the multi-step treatment process correctly. 

Improper use and application of this product can render it ineffective.

As a result, if your thin fine hair was already damaged before use, not properly following the instructions can still leave you vulnerable to unwanted hair fall.

The rule of thumb is that you cannot skip a step in the Olaplex treatment plan when using these products.

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Breaking Theory: Damage is Too Far Gone For Olaplex To Do Any Good

Next, others suggest that if you are experiencing hair loss with Olaplex, your hair damage may be so far gone that no product, including Olaplex, can stop the loss of your hair.

Therefore, you may not be able to lay all fault at the doorstep of the Olaplex brand products.

Breaking Theory: Cause of Hair Loss Before Using Olaplex for Fine Thin Hair

Another opinion is that if you experience hair loss after using the Olaplex product, the cause of your hair loss may not be for the reason you think it is occurring.

Your hair loss may be due to a medical condition, medications, or other factors that lie outside of the use of the product.

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The Bottom Line: Is Olaplex Good For Fine Thin Hair?

is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? Answer is yes.Is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? Now you know...

So, is Olaplex good for thin fine hair? It really all depends on your situation and use of the product. 

As always:

If you experience aggravated hair loss after using a product, you should immediately discontinue use and consider consulting a healthcare professional to ensure that damage is not permanent. Not every product is formulated to meet the needs of everyone. 

Some of us are more susceptible to allergic reactions and some of us have hair that, no matter its thickness or texture, will not be receptive to the use of certain products.

The key is to remove any product from your hair care regimen that induces harm and look for another hair care solution.

Is Olaplex breaking hair off for you? Or has it been good for your thin hair in your experience?

Email your experience to NHP so that we can continue updating this article with current information.

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Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.