Are you looking for the best pre poo for low porosity hair? WELP! You done fooled around and stumbled upon some get-your-hair-gorgeous greatness sis, because I have a perfect low-po pre-shampoo recipe for you…
This step-by-step guide will show you a really sneaky pre-pooing hack that alot of ladies never use (that’s why they get bad results)...
So let’s get this guide off to a start by letting those who don’t know what a pre poo for low porosity hair really does… (If you already know, skip to the 1st recipe…)
A pre poo for low porosity hair treatment is when you apply an oil, conditioner, or oil recipe mixture to your hair before you wash it.
The purpose of a pre poo oil treatment is to help prevent your hair from drying out during the shampooing process.
It’s very popular for low porosity natural hair honeys with hair textures that range from 3C to 4C.
Soooo look….
While it’s true that a pre-shampoo treatment for low porosity hair can be done with either a premium hair conditioner or oil, or with a combination of both…
…we at NHP always suggest using some type of penetrative oil for low-po hair instead of conditioner alone.
When pre pooing natural hair, you’re prepping your tresses for the shampooing process.
The treatment gives your hair a protective layer. This is especially useful if your cleanser contains harsh sulfates, which can strip your natural hair of its natural oils and cause your hair to become dry.
[SEE Moroccan Oil shampoo and conditioner reviews...]
Although the 2 recipes we have for you are specifically for low porosity hair, that doesn’t mean pre poo is only for low porosity situations.
A pre-poo oil treatment is an excellent method to preserve your hair, especially if you have color-treated or damaged highly porous hair.
Other purposes of a pre poo oil treatment include:
Many naturals have found that after leaving pre poo in natural hair overnight, and washing it out in the morning, the softness and moisture results are amazing…
…and best of all, it's less frizzy and tangled!
Note: If you have a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema and are considering a hot oil treatment or pre poo oil treatment for your scalp, consult with your doctor or dermatologist first.
Let's talk more about the specific needs of low porosity hair and pre poo. Because we have a smart hair hack that you should use when pre pooing low porosity hair.
Because low-po hair cuticles are so tight are restrictive you should steam your natural hair for maximum hydration before applying pre poo for low porosity hair.
Why bother, you ask?
Wellllll… Because steam heat helps effectively open up the cuticle layer.
Once the cuticle is relaxed from the moist steam heat, your pre poo for low porosity hair product is able to penetrate the hair shaft and deliver the moisture and nutrients that your hair needs so badly.
Heat sources such as hair and face steamers are ideal, if you can't find one you can also use hooded dryers and thermal heat caps can be used.
Steaming is a perfect way to bring hydration even to the most moisture resistant low porosity hair.
Also, steam hydrates better than water in normal liquid state because its surface tension is reduced to close to zero. Surface tension is the property of the surface of a liquid to resist external force due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.
[RELATED: Can I Condition My Hair Everyday Without Shampooing?]
So let’s get to our guide’s first homemade pre poo for low porosity hair recipe, shall we? This pre-shampoo treatment is without shea butter, if you want a pre-poo WITH melted shea butter just scroll down for the next recipe…
This pre poo for low porosity hair is special because it fractionated coconut oil which will not stiffen your hair like normal coconut oil PLUS it’s a hair growth helper because of the powerful infusion of chebe oil!
This pre-pooing oil treatment can penetrate low porosity hair and help protect your natural hair from damage caused by color and everyday wear and tear.
You may be wondering, is shea butter good for low porosity? The answer is yes!
I posted a video below that will show you the benefits of melting shea butter for your low porosity hair pre poo. Before that though, let NHP show you this homemade shea butter infused recipe #2.
So, listen! If you want to add melted shea butter to this guide’s pre poo for low porosity hair recipe, feel free!
Now, take a look at the pre poo recipe video below to see the benefits of melting shea butter for your pre poo and using chebe hair growth products.
This FAQ part of the guide will tackle many of the questions you all have about pre poo for low porosity hair.
Let’s have a little question & answer session…
Are you worried about getting stiff hair from pre-pooing with coconut oil? Don’t trip sis! You should use coconut oil because it is one of the few oils that can get inside of low porosity hair strands.
This pre-poo for low porosity hair guide only advises that you use fractionated coconut oil. This is a slick little trick that you won’t find in other low-porosity pre-poos.
So, if the question is… Why is coconut oil a great recipe ingredient for low porosity hair pre-poo recipes? Answer is, fractionated coconut oil is especially good at pre-pooing because it penetrates strands and has a lot of fatty acids that can help to nourish and condition 4C low porosity hair.
9 times out of 10, using aloe vera for pre pooing low porosity hair is a bad idea. Why?
ANSWER: Because aloe vera pre poo for low porosity hair often causes problems with:
Aloe vera as a base ingredient has a pH scale of 6, which is slightly acidic. Low porosity hair has cuticles that are typically tight & llowered, which means they’re best lifted up by warm moist heat and alkaline ingredients.
The acidity of an aloe vera pre poo for low porosity hair would likely cause the cuticles to shut even more and prevent your strands from getting the moisture they need.
Instead of nourishment, the low porosity hair gets dried out because every other thing added after aloe vera application stays on the surface of your low porosity hair strands.
As far a protein sensitivity is concerned…
Research has proven that aloe vera gel contains a protein-like compound similar to keratin (hair protein) in structure.
Since low porosity hair rarely lacks protein, an aloe vera pre poo for low porosity hair would likely leave your low porosity hair brittle and lookin’ janky.
Protein treatments are carried out as a means of strengthening limp cuticles.
Low porosity hair doesn’t require heavy protein treatments because it already has compact cuticles.
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ANSWER: No. Conditioners do not make good pre-poo for low porosity hair on their own. While high-grade hydrating conditioners and premium deep conditioners will help add softness to low porosity hair, due to their chemical structure; conditioners don’t protect hair from protein loss and hygral fatigue. That's not the purpose of conditioners.
Still though:
The combination of oils and humectants to conditioner can make some of the best pre poo for low porosity hair recipes ever!
Some may wonder… Do you really need pre-poo for low porosity hair? Answer is, for the best moisture and hair health results…. Yes!
A homemade pre poo for low porosity hair may sound excessive because it’s more common to pre-poo high porosity hair. But there are situations when the pre poo method can benefit hair with low porosity and actually save you time on wash days!
Just make sure you use a pre-poo recipe specifically designed for low porosity locs. Pre poo for low porosity hair is a winner because of the difficult characteristics of low porosity hair when it comes to moisturizing on wash day…
Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.