You want a pre-poo for transitioning hair when you’re going through your natural hair journey? You already know that NHP tutorials are here waiting on you with that good-good.
Whether it's type 4C hair guides or tips on finding the best leave-in conditioners for kinky-curly girls.
Here’s the thing:
Transitioning to natural hair from chemically treated hair can be an intimidating experience.
For those who elect to forgo the big chop, you may find yourself lost in the perils of having to tame two or more different hair textures taking residence on your head.
In essence, you find yourself having to learn how to best care for your hair.
One significant aspect of your journey is selecting a pre-poo solution that best meets the needs of your hair.
Your goal in introducing the practice of pre-pooing is to help your hair become a bit more resilient to your day-to-day manipulations of these varying textures without compromising the overall structure.
In essence, your pre-poo regimen may literally make or break those precious strands on your head.
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Should you pre-poo transitioning hair? The short answer is ‘yes.’
You have a couple of options for pre-pooing your hair. You can pre-poo using DIY recipes to meet the needs of your transitioning hair.
Pre-pooing transitioning hair is a very simple step you can include in your hair regimen, it work equally as well for 3C hair as 4C hair...
...and you can basically use many different hair oils, DIY recipes and/or premium conditioners, it depends on your liking. Here are the steps:
BONUS TIPS: The heating of your pre-poo helps transitioning hair because it boosts the penetration hair oils, creams, detanglers and emollient agents present in the conditioner that you're using.
If you prefer you can just use a hair steamer or hooded dryer.
Massage your pre-poo into your scalp – doing this will help increase blood flow to your scalp and stimulate hair follicles which helps promote hair growth.
Your pre-poo for transitioning hair can consist of any mix you choose.
Most naturalistas leverage an oil or oil mix solution to formulate a pre-poo combination. You can essentially select any blend of oils with or without conditioners for your pre-poo.
The goal is to create a mix that will gently detangle your hair, infuse moisture and add a layer of protection that not only helps to release product buildup but protects your hair from products that may strip your hair of its natural oils.
You can apply the mixture using an applicator bottle or spray bottle to ensure you adequately distribute your pre-poo to your scalp and hair.
The best oils to include in your pre-poo for transitioning hair include jojoba oil, coconut oil, castor oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, or Moroccan argan oil.
Generally, your mixture will contain 1-2 tablespoons of each oil selected and enough water to dampen your hair.
Other ingredients for your pre-poo solution might consist of honey, some naturals love pre-poo recipes with honey because the sweet golden stuff acts as a humectant.
Then there’s aloe vera, an excellent moisturizer for dry hair, and a natural way to restore pH balance.
After applying your pre-poo solution to your hair, you will want to cover your hair with a plastic or thermal cap for 30 minutes.
If you are not the DIY type, the good news is that there are multiple options available on the market for your selection.
What are the best pre-poos for transitioning hair in the marketplace?
There are numerous pre-poo options for you to consider. Here are three options to include in your natural hair arsenal.
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If you want a pre-poo for transitioning hair that doesn’t have to be made at home as a DIY recipe... are 3 really good pre-poo for transitioning hair products that you can grab at your local beauty supply store or online at retailers like Amazon.
My African Pride pre-poo is receiving high marks among consumers who are taking advantage of this pre-made product.
Users with varying textures, including 4C hair, are giving this pre-poo for transitioning hair rave reviews for leaving hair feeling soft and manageable, even after completing the shampoo and conditioner process.
It contains the quintessential blend of ingredients that support moisture and detangling actions, such as aloe vera and coconut water.
Aunt Jackie’s growth oil serves as a 2-for-1 punch for 4C naturals and errrbody else because it also makes a premium pre-poo for transitioning hair by itself or as a pre-poo recipe ingredient. This is a top pick.
Dr. Miracle’s Strong & Healthy Detangling Pre-Shampoo Treatment is a favorite off-the-shelf pre-poo for transitioning hair option.
Buyers claim that this product is an excellent pre-poo option for ridding your hair of tangles, providing light moisture, and, once again, boosting shine.
In closing, you can see that you have several pre-poo options for transitioning hair.
There are tons of pre-poo products for natural hair transitioners that soften, condition, and detangle hair 3C-4C, which is a necessary asset to have when managing multiple textures on your head.
The best pre-poo for transitioning hair products also help to boost vibrancy and infuse or protect moisture levels.
If you are suffering from dry hair or dry scalp, pre-poo products like those in the list above can help to boost nutrients in your hair and help maintain healthy moisture levels.
Only you can choose the pre-poo regimen that is best for your hair.
You can elect to utilize a DIY approach, or if you would prefer to have some readily available, you can take advantage of one of the pre-poos in the marketplace to achieve the same results.
Ultimately, you want to adopt a pre-poo treatment program that minimizes your risk for breakage, infuses moisture, and promotes manageability.
Also, be care when pre-pooing before doing a co-wash because using oils can leave your hair extra oily without a REAL high-quality shampoo.
Hey, and if you enjoyed this pre-poo for transitioning hair tutorial - I hope you’ll BOOKMARK this NHP tutorial right now and...
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Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.