Do Prenatal Vitamins In Shampoo for Hair Growth Really Work?

prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth - crushing and putting prenatal vitamin in shampoo

You ever wondered…. Does smashing or crushing prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth work?

You’ll find the REAL answer today, although you may not like what I tell you.

The truth is important though and will help you avoid wasting time on your hair growth journey.

Here’s the issue:

Some folks say that putting prenatal supplement pills in shampoo or soap may help grow hair, while this really isn’t true at all.

Why is this false?

Because in order to grow hair with prenatal vitamins, the nutrients from the hair growth vitamins need to be absorbed by living cells below the surface of your scalp and at the bulb of your hair follicle, scientifically called the “dermal papillae”. 

prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth won't reach the Dermal Papilla

Prenatal nutrients need to reach the dermal papillae because these cells not only regulate hair follicle development and growth but are also thought to be a reservoir of multipotent stem cells. 

Dermal papilla cells are also important regulators of the hair follicle pigmentation.

How To Use Prenatal Vitamins for Hair Growth
- The Right Way

So, I know… I just burst your bubble by telling you that crushing prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth won’t do a dang thing for you.

That’s kinda messed up…


Prenatal vitamins can help your hair growth by simply swallowing those bad boys! And we have the before and after hair growth pictures to prove it!


Prenatal supplements have to be absorbed inside your digestive system. It is through your stomach and guts that the vitamins will find the body’s distribution center and get sent to every part of your body that is in need.

This is how prenatal vitamins are ultimately successful, by traveling through your bloodstream to your scalp and promoting faster hair growth. 

And listen:

Even if you aren’t having a baby you can take prenatal vitamins orally for a hair growth boost.

These prenatal nutrients are meant to be taken orally so that your body can ingest and distribute them, PERIOD. Simply putting prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth does not have the same effect as them being inside your body.

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There are a lot of topical solutions you can turn to besides prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth, many different growth oils and serums naturally penetrate and boost growth.

So if you are specifically looking for a topical hair growth solution you can look into oils like Hairfinity Botanical Hair Oil or Wild growth hair oil and there are also some powerful hair growth serums that you can directly apply to your scalp or add to your shampoo.

Why Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth Don’t Work

One reason that putting prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth will not work is because one of the main active hair growth nutrients in prenatal vitamins is folic acid.

And topically-applied folic acid breaks down into a less active, less effective substance when exposed to the environment too long.

It simply doesn’t hold up well enough or long enough to be effective.

Fact is, Ultraviolet radiation can degrade folate and folic acid into its less active form. And please believe, you don’t need to be sitting directly in the sun to get UV rays, Ultraviolet radiation is a constant in our environment. 

Answers About: Prenatal Vitamins in Shampoo for Hair Growth

Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth, whether it works, key ingredients and better alternatives.

How many prenatal vitamins should I put in my shampoo?
Some false claims say to crush 2-3 prenatal vitamin pills in your shampoo and that’s how you make your hair grow longer faster. Incorrect. Putting more than ZERO prenatal vitamins in shampoo is too many because they don’t work topically. That’s the wrong way to use prenatal vitamins for hair growth.

Does folic acid help with hair and nail growth?
Yes, because folic acid is heavily responsible for healthy cell growth. These cells include those found inside your skin, hair, and nails. The helpful growth effects of folic acid on hair and nail growth has prompted further studies on how to use folic acid for reasons beyond a hair-growth treatment. Folic acid also helps keep red blood cells healthy.

What happens if you take prenatal vitamins if you are not pregnant?
Taking prenatal vitamins when you aren't pregnant or nursing can still help boost hair growth and raise your folic acid levels. Don’t expect prenatal vitamins to meet all of your daily vitamin needs though. Whether pregnant or not, prenatal vitamins could cause side effects such as upset stomach, constipation, and heartburn, according to some doctors.

Is biotin shampoo good for hair loss?
Yes, biotin shampoo is good for slowing hair loss. As mentioned in our earlier article, biotin deficiency can lead to hair thinning faster. When used on the scalp correctly, biotin shampoos can help increase your body's biotin levels, without having to take an oral pill, and encourage healthy hair growth. The biotin vs prenatal vitamins for hair growth argument is a topic we’ll dive into even further in another NHP article.


Hey! It’s your turn...

I wanna hear your thoughts.

Have you ever tried prenatal vitamins in shampoo for hair growth?

What happened in your case?

What are your favorite hair growth supplements that work better than trying to crush up prenatal pills in shampoo to grow hair?

Do you use bamboo extract for hair growth or popular MSM hair growth vitamins?

Write to me below so I can publish YOUR story, tips and knowledge...

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Melissa Lee is a Contributing Editor to NHP and a former owner of the BlackhairOMG website. She formed 4C Trichology Growth Services, LLC., a US based hair care consultation service. She has also contributed as a writer and consultant for various hair and beauty websites. Melissa can be followed on Twitter here.

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